Saturday, 21 January 2017

Music Magazine Draft

For the front cover of my Music Magazine Draft I have chosen to use a closeup of the artist that I have invented through my imagination. I have chosen the person that I am using for my magazine. The pug I have chosen is a simple circular pug with the text "Free CD Inside" as it's a special edition of the magazine. I have multiple sell lines on my front cover as I've decided to stick to the grid layout as it makes the magazine look a lot more professional and gives it a clean look. I haven't got a header or footer but after some decision I've decided that I will add a header and footer to my actual music magazine front cover and I have also changed the design of the masthead itself to fit the magazine colour scheme of red, white and black.

For my contents page draft I chose to stick to a simplistic layout that shows the audience of the magazine what's inside the magazine clearly as I've split up each different aspect that is contained within my magazine. The three different sections are "Latest Headlines in Music", "Gaming News" and "Cameras and Filmography" as those are the things I have decided to base my magazine from. I have also chosen to include an image of an Acoustic-Electric Guitar plugged into an Amp with a Microphone to add to the contents page and keep it related to the acoustic theme. At the top of my contents page I've kept it simplistic and shortened "Acoustic Solutions" to "AS" so it says "AS Contents". I've included a footer on the contents page which shows any additional information about the magazine and also shows the page numbers.
For my double page spread I have chosen to use a page with text one the one side with background information about my artist and also promotional information about new upcoming songs and albums etc. The text I have chosen to format in columns with a pull quote in the middle of the middle column. At the end of the right column I have decided to put a subsidiary image of his new album cover as a form of more promotion. On the right side of the double page spread I have decided to place an image of the artist with his guitar on his back with an amp and a window in the background to keep the photo simplistic yet still meaningful. I have also chosen to place the headline of the article above the picture to keep with a simplistic but clear layout.

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