Friday, 5 May 2017

Media Evaluation Question 7

Media Evaluation Question 6

Media Evaluation Question 5

Media Evaluation Question 4

Media Evaluation Question 3

Media Evaluation Question 2

How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

 At the start of the research process I began to look at magazines that would help me with the design of my magazine. I wanted to appeal to a acoustic audience aged from 16-25, therefore I had to show this throughout my music magazine.

The social group that I have decided to represent throughout my magazine are young adults who share a passion for the acoustic genre of music. They will be from the middle-lower class and will be aged between 16-25. My magazine focuses not only on new and upcoming artists but the way the current generation inspired those artists to chase their dreams and find out what drove them. My demographic is 65% male and 35% female. I have portrayed this social group through the clothes worn in my images and also the font used. I ensured that the font had a clean look to it so that it represents the clean sound of acoustic music, even though the title font for my double page spread looks slightly distorted it still has a clean look to it. My choice of featured artist also fits the target audience as he is within the target age of 16-25 and wears trending clothes that show that he isn't someone who's into raving music but is more into original chill styled music. My artist looks slightly rough through the serious expression on his face to show the hard times he had to go through before he finally reached his dreams.

When researching into the type of magazine that I wanted to create there was only really one prime example that I could gain inspiration from and that was the "Acoustic" magazine as not only did it discuss the same genre of music but a lot of the artists involved are very popular acoustic artists that are well-known. I also really liked the layout of it because it had a clean look to it so I tried to replicate that clean look with my magazine to help show what the magazine was about. Throughout my pages I have applied them to technophiles with the link to the website in the footer and also the social media advertisements on the contents page. I feel my article also helps to represent the target audience of my magazine well as it shows the struggle he went through having to busk on the streets for any sort of income possible and how long it took for him to get discovered.

As seen below I've tried my best to make my front cover look similar to that of the front cover for an edition of 'Q' magazine featuring Ed Sheeran as he is a popular artist and 'Q' is the biggest selling magazine in the UK. I also feel like Ed Sheeran is an artist who appeals to the same target audience of my magazine so I used that front cover as my main example.

As you can see my front cover does have some similarities but there are some differences such as my extensive use of logos which I wish I didn't do now as I feel I could've added more sell lines instead of sticking a massive play button at the top left corner of my front cover, but I do feel as though the sell lines included and the advertisements do target my demographic audience.

For my contents page I feel as though there was a lot I could've done to improve it as I feel like it was the page that was rushed the most. But I do feel with what I've done using Social Media as references and referencing the website at the bottom are still a way to appeal to my target audience of 16-25 years old.

I feel that the information I included in the article would appeal to any acoustic music fan as it shows the fact that even when things were going slowly and he wasn't seeing much hope through busking he still carried it out and did eventually end up being discovered and finally catching his dream after "chasing" them for so long.

Media Evaluation Question 1

Final Draft of Music Magazine

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Music Magazine Draft

For the front cover of my Music Magazine Draft I have chosen to use a closeup of the artist that I have invented through my imagination. I have chosen the person that I am using for my magazine. The pug I have chosen is a simple circular pug with the text "Free CD Inside" as it's a special edition of the magazine. I have multiple sell lines on my front cover as I've decided to stick to the grid layout as it makes the magazine look a lot more professional and gives it a clean look. I haven't got a header or footer but after some decision I've decided that I will add a header and footer to my actual music magazine front cover and I have also changed the design of the masthead itself to fit the magazine colour scheme of red, white and black.

For my contents page draft I chose to stick to a simplistic layout that shows the audience of the magazine what's inside the magazine clearly as I've split up each different aspect that is contained within my magazine. The three different sections are "Latest Headlines in Music", "Gaming News" and "Cameras and Filmography" as those are the things I have decided to base my magazine from. I have also chosen to include an image of an Acoustic-Electric Guitar plugged into an Amp with a Microphone to add to the contents page and keep it related to the acoustic theme. At the top of my contents page I've kept it simplistic and shortened "Acoustic Solutions" to "AS" so it says "AS Contents". I've included a footer on the contents page which shows any additional information about the magazine and also shows the page numbers.
For my double page spread I have chosen to use a page with text one the one side with background information about my artist and also promotional information about new upcoming songs and albums etc. The text I have chosen to format in columns with a pull quote in the middle of the middle column. At the end of the right column I have decided to put a subsidiary image of his new album cover as a form of more promotion. On the right side of the double page spread I have decided to place an image of the artist with his guitar on his back with an amp and a window in the background to keep the photo simplistic yet still meaningful. I have also chosen to place the headline of the article above the picture to keep with a simplistic but clear layout.

Monday, 2 January 2017

This is my School Magazine Contents Page which has been created using Adobe Indesign CS6. To create this contents page I had to find good areas to take pictures that I felt would suit the contents page and would advertise the school for the resources that we have available to use. For my contents page I used 3 subsidiary images of these things and then used 3 text boxes to show what each picture was and then show what you could find throughout the magazine and where in the magazine you would find those topics.
I used the same font for my masthead on the contents but I changed the colour of the font and the font itself for the "Contents" part as I felt it makes it so that the masthead stands out from the actual contents page itself. I also felt by using the colour yellow for the "Contents" part it helped it to be more similar to the page itself and linked it a lot more with the contents page.
This is my Music Magazine Mood Board and Mission Statement presentation which shows what things my music magazine will relate to.

This is an analysis of my Music Magazine Questionnaire results.